Friday, April 25, 2008

Book Group Reviews

The Library Book Group meets once a month to discuss current Young Adult fiction. Read about the books we have read this school year.

1 comment:

The Information Maven said...

The Library Book Club is reading Jack Gantos' memoir, Hole in My Life. It's a story of a young, eighteen year-old kid in need of money for college. He knows he wants to be a writer, but he has no idea how he will get there, until he meets a shady character Rik who offers him $10,000 to sail hash from St. Croix, USVI to New York.

Despite the fact that the character (Jack Gantos) makes foolish decisions, the predicaments he gets himself into are laugh-out-loud funny. The descriptions of Hamilton and the interactions between the two are wildly off-beat. The pace of this story also moves quickly. The climax changes the slap-stick tone to somber abruptly, as the serious implications of Gantos' actions settle in.

By the sobering end, Gantos' character has changed and grown a lot. I found this book very easy to read and very enjoyable. I laughed, I cringed, I marveled at the quality of the writing. I recommend this to anyone about to transition or graduate, or to anyone looking for a good book to read!